News: Virtual Console Revived in March

Posted 03 Mar 2012 at 11:21 by Aaron Clegg
Want some more classics on both your Wii and 3DS? Of course you do.
Nintendo has officially declared March to be "month of the Virtual Console", with a raft of retro goodness announced, including several new (old) titles to be added to the Wii's library.
Keeping the momentum up on the 3DS eShop, Nintendo will release a number of high profile NES and Game Boy games in Europe this month. The Game Boy sequel Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monster will be made available close to the release of the 3DS reboot Uprising. The Game Boy iteration of classic puzzler Dr Mario will be made available too.
The month will also mark the first Sega Game Gear titles being made available on 3DS. The initial line-up will see Dragon Crystal, Shinobi, and Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble get re-releases.
Perhaps the biggest news is the apparent renaissance of Wii's Virtual Console. After what seems like ages of not getting any new additions, some absolute stonking games will be released in Europe. Mega Man X and Mega Man 5 will be added to the library, alongside a re-release of Super Street Fighter 2 which comes updated with an online multiplayer mode. 2D action fans will also be pleased to hear that Strider and Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge will both see releases as well.
Nintendo kicked off the retro-filled month by releasing NES classics Super Mario Bros. and Punch Out!! earlier this week.