News: Viva Pi�ata DS Anounced!

A dual screen version of Rare's latest game is in the works!

Even though Microsoft owns Rare, that doesn't stop them from wanting a piece of the action on the dual screened wonder. Anounced at Comic Con 07, Rare is working on Viva Pi�ata DS.

The game will follow the original concept of the 360 game, which is basically to create and raise living pi�atas in a mixture of Tamagochi and Pokémon. The DS version sports a top down view and touch screen controls. More as it breaks!

Update: Here's a photo taken at the Comic Con showing three pics of the game:

Click for Screens (1 New)

Update 2: Some bits of info came out: all the beasts from the 360 version are available as well as new ones. All the tools and actions are expanded and upgraded from the original and there will be two modes: Sandbox, where you just spend some quality time with your pi�atas and Episode, which follows the cartoon and lets you meet the characters from the show. You can also use Wi-Fi to send specimens to your friends!

Check out the first clean screenshot:

Click for Screens (1 New)

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