News: WarioWare DIY Out End Of April In Europe

Posted 25 Feb 2010 at 09:08 by Nathan Whincup
Direct from the European Nintendo Media Summit, we can reveal the WarioWare release date. Updated: WiiWare spin-off announced!
N-Europe is out in full force at the Nintendo Media Summit in London, and we've turned up a bit of new info regarding the fantastically fun WarioWare DIY.
Speaking to a Nintendo rep, we are able to confirm that WarioWare DIY will be out in Europe at the end of April. We're still searching out a more specific date, so watch this space!
Update: The official release date is April 30th and you'll also be able to download WarioWare: Do It Yourself � Showcase for WiiWare (no price tag yet) to unlock more than 70 new minigames, a 4 player multiplayer mode, a Balloon Fight inspired minigame and you'll also be able to play the games you've created on TV!
More details as they hit, Wario Ware fans!