News: WayForward Tease New Original Game

In the latest Shantae Fan Club newsletter, WayForward Technologies tease at a brand new game starring a girl named Alta...

WayForward Technologies, developers of the cult hit Shantae for the Game Boy Color, Contra 4 on the DS and the recent WiiWare title LIT just revealed their upcoming game A Boy And His Blob, but they're already teasing at their next game in the latest edition of their official newsletter, the Shantae Fan Club.

The only scrap of information so far is that their new game is entirely original and will star Alta (pictured below), a hot sceptre-wielding lass named after her grandmother. The purple hair coupled with the goggles and her other more modern attire remind us of a more contemporary Shantae - we're probably wrong.

WayForward describe Alta as the "champion of justice, truth, and athletic shorts". Sounds suspiciously similar to one Tom Phillips.

WayForward have recently appeared to be developing titles exclusively for the DS and WiiWare, so we wouldn't be at all surprised if this new title appeared on either console.

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