News: "Where is Nintendo heading?"

The Japanese Nikkei newspaper have an article on Nintendo, while not containing anything new they do state a few interesting points.

In the Nikkei newspaper's article "Where is Nintendo heading?" they raise points about Nintendo's past and future. They highlighted the following changes since Yamauchi left:

  • Mario is being used in advertising more for the first time in years
  • Retailers acknowledging Nintendo's changes "So they're back in the game"
  • Increase in store demos and looking at internet feedback
  • Seem like a new company
  • GameCube sales increased
  • Getting ahead in the industry and working towards their "Home Console King" target
  • Some developers however unable to voice opinions

They also commented on how Nintendo are also collaborating more.

  • Since last year there have been more collaborations
  • "Unlike Mr. Yamauchi's time, they are listening to what we have to say"
  • They are now cooperating and listening to advice from rivals
  • Radical changes due to a market change
  • Customers stating "I want to play games, but there are no games I want to play" causing fear in Nintendo's offices
  • While developing they still consider "how to give a new experience like when the Famicom was released"
  • Still not incredibly popular amongst gamers
  • The DS is being developed to be a unique form of entertainment
  • The DS is crucial to Nintendo's future

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