Wii Motor Sports : Airplane , Jet Ski

News: Wii Airplane Game Part Of Compilation?

The short game demo entitled Wii Sports: Airplane looks like it will be available as part of a larger package!

Just like the three other Wii Sports titles (Tennis, Baseball and Golf), it looks like Airplane too will come as part of a package of games, entitled Wii Motor Sports. The latest issue of Nintendo Power has revealed the compendium will include several games with easy-to-drive vehicles, with a future Wave Race style game possible for inclusion.

Our hopes of a fully fledged Pilotwings sequel aren't totally dashed, however, as the magazine goes on to clarify that the Wii Motor Sports is still not officially in development, as Nintendo hasn't fully decided whether to release it.

We're a big fan of the Airplane game, so we'll be looking out for when news on it next surfaces. Keep it locked to R-E!

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