News: Wii, DS Overtake NES, GameBoy

Posted 30 Jan 2010 at 10:38 by Aaron Clegg
Wii and DS overtake the NES and GameBoy to become Nintendo's most successful systems ever...
As Nintendo's Q3 fiscal earnings roll in, it is confirmed that as of the end of 2009, Wii and DS have officially become the company's best-selling home console and hardware platform, respectively.
The Wii has now sold 67.45 million units worldwide to become Nintendo's most successful home console, overtaking the 61.91 million record held by the NES. Software-wise, Nintendo has also seen great success on the platform with their major 2009 releases. Wii Sports: Resort stands at over 13.5 million units, New Super Mario Bros. is the fastest home console game ever to reach 10 million units sold, while Wii Fit Plus also crept over that marker by the end of the year.
Meanwhile, the DS achieves an even bigger milestone. Combined DS hardware sales have passed 125 million units worldwide, eclipsing Nintendo's previous best-selling console series - the GameBoy - which managed 118.69 million.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was understandably upbeat about the news.
"Needless to say, these are just two milestones of a larger journey in our efforts to reach the ultimate goal of bringing one home console for every household and one handheld for everyone."
With no sign of Nintendo's domination letting up, who's to say Iwata-san won't achieve his ultimate goal?