News: Wii Far Cry Vengence Details

Gameplay information and the prospect of online play? Read the latest details inside...

Several tidbits of info on the Wii incarnation of the Far Cry series - now titled Far Cry: Vengeance have been revealed in a podcast by VGM Daily. The title will apparently soly focus on the gameplay, with controls intuitively mapped to the Wii-mote and nunchuck device. It will not just be a straight port from the Xbox versions.

In the game you can jump by lifting the nunchuck, make a feral or knife attack by slashing the Wii-mote across the screen, and crack down the nunchuck to hit enemies in the back. Easing forward the Wii-mote enables you to zoom in.

Displayed in widescreen, 480p, and at 30 frames per second, the title will boast over twenty hours of single-player gameplay, along with splitscreen multiplayer and possibly online modes too. Apparently in the testing stages right now, online play and WiiConnect24 compatibility are both possible in the final version, though the developers aren't ready to commit 100% to this as yet.

More information is expected later this month, stay tuned then and N-E will have the details!

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