News: Wii Fit Release Info

Nintendo held a Tokyo press conference earlier and revealed an estimate to when the US and Europe will receive Wii Fit...

Currently only out in Japan, Wii Fit sees the player standing on a balance board to execute various tasks such as Yoga exercises and push ups. The game also features the Miis and also measures the users weight, whether they like it or not. Sorry girls.

Earlier today at a Nintendo press conference, it was stated that the title would launch in America in March and in Europe in June. Sadly, there was no news regarding an Australian date or any news on a launch date for Smash Bros. Brawl. No details on a new Balance Board or price details were announced either.

Wii Fit has four different activity types being Aerobic Exercise, Muscle Conditioning, Yoga Poses and Balance Games. Activities stated on Nintendos very own site includes yoga exercises, push ups, step aerobics, heading footballs, hula hooping, ski jumping, jogging and tightrope walking.

Update: It seems the original translation might be wrong and at the press conference it was actually said that the game could be released any time between April and June in the US and Europe giving it a Q2 date. Stay with N-Europe to get the correct estimate...

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