News: Wii Freeloader Incoming!

Posted 28 Feb 2008 at 11:57 by guest
A Freeloader that allows the playing of non-PAL Wii games on a PAL Wii is finally coming out!
Codejunkies UK just updated their site, announcing that very soon a Freeloader for Wii will be released, which allows PAL Wii owners to play other region games (such as NTSC) without resorting to mod-chips or any other warranty-busting products. Just put the Freeloader in the disc drive and swap it for the game disc.
The Freeloader also allows non-PAL Wii consoles to support PAL games and it works with Gamecube discs too! Great news all around, especially with no date in sight for Super Smash Bros. Brawl! We'll keep you posted.