News: Wii Gaming Burns Your Calories

Playing Wii burns an average potential 1,830 calories per week - 40% more than any while playing any other console!

BBC News is reporting on a study that shows regular gaming could help shift 27lb (12.25kg) a year off of your body's weight. Specifically while playing the Wii, researchers found that active gaming burnt off enough energy that weight loss occurred.

While no replacement for a jog around the block, the study's lead researcher Professor Tim Cable said that: "Through our testing it is clear that the motion sensor-controlled console can make an impact on a child's heart rate, energy expenditure and the amount of calories burned."

Fifteen minutes of game-play on a traditional console put energy expenditure 60% above resting values, yet the Wii gamers' energy expenditure increased 156% above resting. This means that over the average 12.2 hours a week a UK gamer clocks up, 1,830 calories would be burnt whist playing on the Wii - 40% more than a traditional console.

This news certainly can only be positive to the Wii's image, though we don't recommend cancelling your gym memberships just yet...

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