News: Wii 'Isn't Even Online' - Microsoft

One Microsoft employee gives his opinion on the state of Nintendo's online structure.

Speaking with Edge, Vice-President of the Interactive Entertainment Business for Microsoft EMEA Chris Lewis spoke out about the leading console's online structure, or rather, faling to acknowledge it even has one. He said this of Wii:

"Nintendo occupies a different space to us in that regard as well, in that [the Wii] isn’t an online connected platform, it isn’t high definition, it doesn’t offer the scalability we offer in the SKU lineup and the storage ability. … I certainly think we do have an appetite for getting into those broad family genres, and that part of the strategy will continue to be so, but I think we clearly want to appeal to all tastes. Our aspiration is to win overall, and to do that we need to continue to bring content to all the different genres in the market, with Xbox Live at the heart of that."

Interestingly enough, it's the family genres where Microsoft have infamously had little success, with widely-panned efforts such as Scene It? and You're in the Movies almost completely failing to catch on.

Nonetheless, does Lewis have a valid argument when criticising Wii's online structure, lack of HD and storage ability? Or is he simply bitter about having a business card wider than the average human face? Let us know what you think.

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