News: Wii Message Board Details

Like a space-age whiteboard, on your Wii! Nintendo have some interesting things planned... Email from mobile phones to Wii!

The Message Board on the Wii looks like it'll be stuffed with features. Separate from the rest of the channels, its functions are many and varied. But at its most basic, it'll be a system allowing messages and memos to be posted on the calendar, even off the network. Simple things, like "Don't forget to walk the dog!"

However, messages from games can also be put on there, for example automatic messages in "Animal Crossing" might appear, telling you of an upcoming event in your town. The user doesn't even have to be playing the game.

The combined calender and message board functions allow users to use it as a diary and as place where game records are entered automatically too, linking family members or friends who play the console together, or who're on your specific Friend List on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Functions like automatic notification to your friends if you buy a new game and play it for the first time are under discussion, but not yet finalised.

Game data and screenshots can also be exchanged, along with email between mobile phones and Wii! Nintendo give the example that a Father will be late home from work so his family can send him messages via their Wii from the living room.

More detail can be found on Nintendo Europe's Wii mini-site here.

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