News: Wii-Motes Non-Rechargeable?

Reports surface that the free-hand controller will be battery-powered only. Details inside...

Gaming fansite The Wiire is reporting that the Wii Remote is currently powered by batteries that are not internally rechargable. Two AA batteries are needed - which can be standardly rechargable, alkaline or lithium ion, but that there was currently no plans to include a rechargeable battery pack boxed in with the Wii.

One might apparently be sold separately, though it is limited by the adaptor port at the bottom of the remote. Additionally, it has been noted the controller will have battery life significantly less than the WaveBird. Not only is a great deal more information being transmitted with the Wii-mote than the WaveBird, the Wii-mote also needs power for its speaker and rumble features. No official battery-life estimate is yet available.

Finally, it was reported several colours of controller would probably be available at launch, with final choices yet to be confirmed. Nintendo displayed white, blue and black controllers at their E3 booth.

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