News: Wii News Channel Now Active (With Video)

The News Channel is now available for you to use on your Wii.

While it was expected that the News Channel would be arriving tomorrow, there are reports that the channel is active ahead of schedule.

Today we present the News Channel, which allows you to scan the globe for the latest headlines! Please bear in mind that this is only the first version of the News Channel launching in Europe, but the second version will be coming soon. We thank you for your patience, and hope you will enjoy getting the news from around the world with your Wii.

Hmm, we wonder if anybody could shed some light on this matter, for example how will the first version differ from the second?

Regardless of this, a new channel is always welcome. Enjoy!

Update:Our very own Justin (GCTonyHawk7) has put together a little video tour of the News Channel. You can check it out below.

Wii News Channel Tour - 27/01/07

Download Video (46MB, 03:14 min)
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