News: Wii Not Hurting DS sales

Analysts were concerned that Wii and DS could grab potential customers from each other.

In an interview with Reuters, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata talked about the concern that some critics had, with regard to the DS and Wii system.

Analysts are worried that the DS and Wii systems could potentially 'steal' customers off each other. As both systems offer easy to use and intuitive systems, they may be potentially be fighting each other in the same market.

"Some analysts say the largest rival of the Wii is the DS. But if you take a look at DS sales in the United States in the Thanksgiving week, or DS sales in Japan in the week of the Wii launch, there has been little impact," Iwata said.

As things stand right now, the launch of the Wii in America has not impacted sales of the DS. Will things change in the future?

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