News: Wii Party Announced

Posted 07 May 2010 at 13:47 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo have announced one of their big E3 titles ahead of the show itself - the newest in the Wii-titled series - Wii Party.
Since the Wii was released several years ago Nintendo have released several titles beginning with the Wii moniker: Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit and Wii Music. Today Nintendo have announced that the next title in the series will be Wii Party.
Satoru Iwata revealed the title to investors this week and details have emerged online. The game is similar to the popular Mario Party series but instead of the popular characters from the Mario series players use their own Miis.

Nintendo boasts that over 160 million Miis have been created by users around the world and thanks to the Tomodachi Collection title (available in Japan only) people are even talking to their Miis! With this in mind Nintendo have decided to allow your Miis a bit of fun as no doubt they were getting tired of walking up and down in the Mii channel.

While details remain limited, and probably will do until E3, Nintendo have promised that significant time and energy is being spent on the title to ensure that all "elements that are must-haves in a party game" are present "as well as making sure that adequate volume of game play are available". The game is said to be out this fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2011, in Japan but no news yet about American or European releases.

Nintendo have announced that they will include a "Living Party" mode which offers "unique game play only available with the Wii Remote". Whether this means other options do not need the Wii Remote, or whether they simply won't use its motion sensor features is not clear. Other modes also exist, as is evident in the image above, but nothing is known as of yet. Expect more details in the coming months however.