News: Wii Sells 50,000 In UK After 12 Hours

Twelve hours, 50,000 Wii consoles, and a whole lot of Brits. Nintendo congratulate themselves on their first European milestone...

In less than twelve hours Nintendo have managed to see more than 50,000 units sold. Statistics fans out there will be interested to know that this staggering amount translates to one Wii console sold throughout the UK every second between midnight and midday on the 8th.

As always David Yarnton, General Manager of Nintendo UK has been around to comment on the news, saying that "We are delighted with the amazing response to Wii and that people of all ages and gaming experience are embracing the way that we are turning the industry on its head. With so many units sold it is great to see that people will be enjoying Wii with their families this Christmas."

That is of course assuming that people actually get their pre-orders in time.

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