News: Wii Shortages To Continue Through Christmas

Posted 14 Nov 2007 at 07:25 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo confirm more shortages are likely as the demand for Wii remains "unprecedented".
BBC News have reported on the "chronic shortage" of the Wii in shops at the moment, which is only likely to get more scarce as Christmas nears. Nintendo projected shipping 14m consoles this year, but even raising that to 17.5m has not done anywhere near enough to meet demand.
Nintendo UK have commented that: "the demand for Wii hardware globally has been unprecedented and higher than Nintendo could ever have anticipated. Nintendo is now in a position in which seasonality demand trends are being broken, therefore the demand for Wii hardware is constant throughout the whole year globally. Due to this phenomenon it is possible that the demand for Wii hardware may outstrip supply."
The article also highlights, which alerts members when stock becomes available in various chains of shops. Site owner Darren McKillop has revealed that when stock did recently come into one major online retailer recently, "their website suffered a virtual meltdown as half the country tried to buy a Wii from them."
With stock shortages to last well into the new year, N-Europe wishes all of its readers the best of luck in securing a Wii this Christmas, if they do not have one already.