News: Wii Sports 2 On The Way?

Miyamoto discusses the future of the Wii Sports franchise

Nintendo's gaming genuis Shigeru Miyamoto has been talking Wii Fit and has given a few tidbits of news to dwell over.

Miyamoto discussed the jogging minigame that can be found in Wii Fit "As we didn't know if there was going to be a Wii Sports 2 at the time or not, I gave the director a call and said to him, 'This idea's really good, and since there's no official word on Wii Sports 2, could we have it for Wii Fit?'"

Whilst it may intially seem like there isn't much here. It does help to spark rumours that Wii Sports 2 is indeed in at least the early stages of development and that is features sports previously not included in the original game rather than rehashes of those already used.

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