News: Wii Sports Faces Confirmed

Posted 27 May 2006 at 07:36 by Tom Phillips
Miyamoto confirms players will be able to get their own faces on their Wii Sports characters, just as he did at E3.
In the latter half of this year's E3 conference, the AOL prize winner was invited on stage to play Wii Sports, and specifically the tennis game, with Shigeru Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata, and Reggie Fils-Aime - all three of which had their own faces drawn cartoon-style on their on-screen character's faces. Miyamoto has now confirmed that this feature was not just a one-off, and that this feature would be included for gamers in the retail version.
Speaking to MTV News, he said that "the Wii Sports series features these little models which you can put your own faces on... Then you may start to see those characters, with faces you've created, appearing in different games on the Wii system."
What other games will your face start appearing on? How will you draw/capture your face to start off with? We'll report the answers to these intriguing questions when the info leaks!