News: Wii Sports Improves Athletic Skill?

Posted 16 Mar 2007 at 11:24 by Tom Phillips
Does playing Wii Sports help your real-life sport ability? The New York Times reports so...
The New York Times has reported on the phenomenon of Wii Sports, and specifically how practice on the Wii versions of games can improve your skill in real life. Take the example of Ms. Neary, a production manager at the South Philly Review, who credited a recent revolutionary rise in her own skill to three months of playing bowling on the Wii.
"For the Wii bowling, I would stand a little bit to the right, get down really low and twist my hand. I did exactly what I did in Wii Sports bowling at the real bowling alley and it worked."
Maybe in a few years, the next Roger Federer will have been introduced to the sport by Wii Tennis. Who knows.
Thanks to N-E reader Mickey DeLorenzo for the heads-up on this.