News: Wii To Break UK Million Mark

The Wii is on the verge of selling its millionth console in the UK, with the possibility of over-taking the Xbox 360...

Data from Chart-Track has revealed that Nintendo's Wii is to sell through its millionth unit in the UK "within three to four weeks". This would mean surpassing the GameCube's lifetime UK sales, which only amounted to just over a million.

Further good news for the Kyoto company comes in the form of just how much it is out-selling its rivals. The Wii is currently selling at four times the rate of the Xbox 360, and at a staggering six times the rate of the PS3.

As long as this momentum doesn't falter, the Wii may over-take Xbox 360 (released a full year earlier) in sales by the end of October.

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