News: Wii U Is 'Slam Dunk' for id Tech 5 Games

Posted 03 Jul 2011 at 22:41 by Joshua Phillips
Speaking recently to IndustryGamers, John Carmack shared many thoughts about the past relationship with Nintendo and id Software whilst citing how things could possibly change in the future with the Wii U.
John Carmack, id's technical director, had good things to say about various aspects of the Wii U including its controller, "I think there may be more good uses of that Wii U tablet than there are for the current generation with Kinect and Move". He also seems to believe that they can finally work on a Nintendo console as the company is not only more open to third party developers but also have the right technology for developers to thrive, "The issues in the current time have just been technology missteps, where we're out of step with them; we were at a clear point where designing for the 360, PS3 and PC made lots of sense".
id Software haven't always been so fond of Nintendo though, as John Carmack discusses whilst talking about the Super Nintendo era.
"Pretty early on we had a pretty negative experience with Nintendo back in the Super Nintendo days. They were a different company then. They were very much about tightening, controlling the sorts of things that they want to have happen on their consoles. But that's long in the past. If anything, I'm much more inclined to want to develop something for Nintendo now because I've got a 6-year-old son and we play Wii and DS games all the time. I'd be happy to do something there. It just hasn't been the right fit for where id Software is with our projects and technologies."
Carmack feels as though the Wii U should make so called 'harcore games' using id Tech 5 very easy to bring over to the console because of the increased power.
"It should be a slam dunk to move over to Tech 5 games on there. We haven't had that discussion yet as a company, but it seems technically like it's a valid target, so I'm always happy to go ahead and get a new box in and see what it takes to bring it up and see the pros and cons of the choices they made. I think they probably made a fairly intelligent decision with the Wii U"
Finally, Carmack went into detail about how he thinks the Wii U controller will help and not hinder games, unlike motion controls which he isn't too fond of.
"I think there may be more good uses of that [Wii U tablet] than [there are for] the current generation with Kinect and Move... there's clearly a subset of games for which things like that are appropriate for. We've been going on with how can we use those types of motion things with Rage and it's hard to take a game that's fundamentally designed around a controller and get value out of doing some of those other things, while adding extra touch interfaces there, that seems like something that almost every game could make some use of without it being just like, 'Oh, we have to do something like this.' Because if you remember, when the DS came out, there was a lot of talk about how, 'Isn't this going to be just a gimmick?' But really it did turn out to be quite a good interface to build on."
id Software is well known for such classic games as Wolfenstein and Doom whilst most recently anticipation has been increasing for the impending release of Rage. What games would you like to see id Software develop for Wii U?