News: Wii U Unveiling Should Have Been Clearer

Posted 13 Jun 2011 at 20:31 by Joshua Phillips
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata admitted to the London Evening Standard that things should have been done differently for the Wii U's unveiling to avoid confusion.
It's been noted that a lot of the gaming public (and even some journalists) were confused after last weeks unveiling of the Wii U at E3, thinking that it was either a new controller for the Wii or that the controller was the new console itself. Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, has spoken out about this matter and admitted that things should have been clearer.
Iwata is still confident about the Wii U and doesn't believe the reveal was completely ruined but he did think that they should have made more of an effort to show the actual console, "we should have shown a single picture of the new console, then started talking about the controller."
Nintendo decided to show the controller more than the console because that is the main selling point and most exciting aspect of the new technology. Iwata went on to say that, "The console is not drastically different, and Wii U is about the controller. The console itself will be almost invisible."
Do you think Nintendo should have done things differently? Are you finding the Wii U announcement rather confusing? Let us know in the comments section below.