News: Wii U Will Connect With Social Networks

Posted 16 Jun 2011 at 06:12 by Ashley Jones
Prepare to update your status and tweet all about the Wii U.
Nintendo's consoles in the past have allowed you to access social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter but never through dedicated clients. However, itt seems that this may change when the Wii U is released next year.
Speaking to investors Nintendo president Satoru Iwata noted the importance of social networking sites in contemporary Internet usage. He told investors that Nintendo is aware that "we are no longer in a period where we cannot have any connection at all with social networking services."
He continues to talk about the importance of ensuring the "social graph of the social networking services" works in conjunction with video game consoles. Whether this will mean the Wii U will come with dedicated clients for social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook is unclear but it seems Nintendo is considering the best method to incorporate them.
Since the E3 unveiling Nintendo has been keen to push the fact that they are working hard to rectify what many have seen as shortfalls in the past, such as online experience. Mr. Iwata also stresses this to their investors, stating: "we have found ways to take advantage of these types of features like VoIP and social networking, where our systems have been seen as being weak in the past."
Exact details about Nintendo's online plans will not be released for some time, quite possibly not until next year, but in the mean time Nintendo seem keen to promote the fact that they are really getting behind it for Wii U.