News: Wii Version Of Katamari Is No More

Posted 21 May 2008 at 02:25 by Paul Muchmore
Let's not roll! Namco Bandai crushes the dreams of Katamari fans�
Cast your mind back, dear reader, to the time of Beautiful Katamari's X360-exclusive release. While fans were happy to be getting another game, those who remained loyal to their PS3s and Wiis weren't, as they would be missing out. At the Tokyo Game Show, the game's director Jun Morikawa hinted at a Wii release of the game.
Sadly, it's not to be. TripleTags has been informed by Wal-Mart that the game has been cancelled for the Wii, adding 'maybe this game will be available at a later date'. Still, it's not like the games are very different from each other anyhow, but it would be nice to get the ball rolling on the Wii. We can only dream!