News: Wii Vitality Sensor Explained

Posted 10 Jun 2009 at 08:27 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo's E3 conference saw the unveiling of the Wii Vitality Sensor. Wanna know how it works? Head inside...
Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata unveiled the new Wii Vitality Sensor at E3 last week, to a surprised world. Who knew Nintendo were working on such a device? Apparently only some within the company itself, since Iwata apparently only edited the part of the conference about the peripheral himself on the plane to the LA conference.
Iwata has now demoed the device in action, and The Times was able to see it working for themselves. They report it works by using light sensors to measure the flow of blood in the wearer's finger - allowing for breathing rhythms and over data to be extrapolated. Immediately, uses for titles such as Wii Fit spring to mind.
Using the idea of "making something invisible, visible", the device was demonstrated helping Iwata measure his breathing and then stabilise it through on-screen graphics and the sound of metronome.

The Times reports the device will be available in stores from 2010. What other uses will it have? Stick with N-Europe to hear more as it breaks.