News: Wii Whupping PS3 6-1 In Japan

The latest figures show the Wii taking names in the Nintendo homeland.

The Wii has clocked up an impressive month of sales in Japan, with its June total showing a massive 270,974 units sold. Not that we like to gloat, but gaming site CVG has calculated that this figure equals an epic 6-1 lead over Sony's PlayStation 3.

While the PS3 managed just 41,628 units, the Xbox 360 trailed even further behind, with a disappointing 17,616 units sold, showing Microsoft is no where near cracking the Eastern market.

While PS3 owners have several big titles to look forward to at the end of the year, as well as much flaunted "Home" service, the Wii will also be well positioned to counter this with titles such as Metroid Prime 3, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Super Mario Galaxy.

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