News: WiiWare Demos Now Available In Europe

Nintendo of Europe makes a selection of WiiWare demos free to download...

Today, Nintendo of Europe updated the Wii Shop Channel with the first offerings for their trial WiiWare demo service. Wii owners connected to the internet can download the demos onto their system memory or SD card for free.

The demos currently available are six levels for Square Enix's Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord, the first level for Gaijin Games' first WiiWare hit Bit. Trip Beat and the first level of Over The Top Games' critically-acclaimed NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits. To find the demos easily on the Shop Channel, go to 'Search by Genre' in the WiiWare section and select 'Demo'.

The WiiWare demo trial is scheduled to end on January 31st. We expect Nintendo will make a decision as to whether to continue the service depending on how popular it proves to be.

The demos cost diddly-squat, so what are you waiting for? Get downloading!

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