News: WiiWare Hacked

Brand new installer channels enable Japanese WiiWare to be played on US consoles free of charge. How long will this go on before Nintendo steps in and kicks some ass?

There is no doubt some people reading this who will know someone who isn't up-to-date with today's technology, and at some point will have heard that person claim "the technology these days, it's all a foreign language to me!" before walking off to do more domestic things. Well, said noob would be shocked to hear that, shortly after working out how to install Virtual Console games for free, hackers have now managed to load bootlegged Japanese WiiWare titles onto NTSC region Wiis.

By using WAD and ROM installer channels, the Wii is able to boot up WiiWare free of charge, as the video link (found below) shows you using Okiraku Ping Pong as an example. It's rather fitting that the disclaimer reads 'Do not use this program to install illegal software!' We find ourselves wondering where this will end and what measures Nintendo will take to lay these practises to rest�

We would also like to add that N-Europe in no way endorses or supports hacking or other illegal meddlings involving games consoles. Woe betide those who choose to support hackers as opposed to the developers and publishers putting hard work into these titles.

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