News: Winter Dead In The Snow

Posted 22 Mar 2010 at 15:19 by Aaron Clegg
n-Space's survival horror doesn't look like it'll be seeing the light of day on Wii any time soon, but could move to other platforms...
If you cast your mind back to around a year ago, you might remember Winter. A promising looking survival horror title on Wii from the makers of the Gamecube FPS Geist, it was a game that was struggling to find publisher interest. Despite a strong campaign from Wii owners to get the game released, Winter was never seen in public again.
Now though, it looks like we might be able to bring closure on the game. A spokesperson for developer n-Space has made the following comment.
"Funding the development of a title of Winter's scope is not in n-Space's game plan right now. Also, recent mature releases on the Wii have shown us that it would be a challenge to succeed with it."
If n-Space don't believe Winter can perform to their expectations, then there seems little point in forcing the game through to the end of development. Interestingly, the developer admitted that they'd "considered taking Winter to other platforms," and even alluded to the existence of a version of the game for DS at one point.
In all honesty, though, much of promising elements we saw in Winter last year are in the very-much-released and rather awesome Silent Hill: Shattered Memories on Wii. If you haven't picked that gem up yet, then perhaps this story doesn't have to have a sad ending after all.
Are you discontent to see what has become of our Winter? Let us know below...