News: 'Winter' Unveiled - Wii Game In Limbo

Posted 21 Jan 2009 at 09:53 by Aaron Clegg
IGN pull the curtain back on a promising looking survival horror from n-Space. Unfortunately, no publisher has picked it up...
Nearly two years ago, n-Space (devlopers of Gamecube FPS Geist) were developing a mature title built ground-up for the Wii that they hoped to push the boundaries of what the console could achieve. Winter gained universal acclaim from all the publishers n-Space pitched the title to.
Unfortunately, of all the publishers who n-Space showed Winter to, none seemed to be willing to actually release the title, a predicament n-Space puts down to the fact of "They simply could not get behind a survival horror title on the Wii". The game is currently doomed to limbo while no publisher is willing to pick it up.
Now though, IGN has showcased the project that was Winter to the world, and many gamers are already making it their priority to see the title get a release on Wii. The following video was put together in just six weeks back in early 2007.
A revealing interview with IGN can be found here, where the developer insists that they remain commited to seeing Winter released one day.
You can do your part too. A petition has been set up here, where signitures have already sailed past the 1000 mark. Remember readers, the only way to get publishers to take notice of titles like this is to prove that you want to play them.
So what do you make of Winter? Will you be doing your part as a Wii owner?