News: World Of Goo Coming To WiiWare In Europe

Posted 11 Nov 2008 at 14:18 by Nathan Whincup
2D Boy have scrapped plans for a retail release of World of Goo in Europe, opting for a WiiWare release like the US instead. Hooray!
Judging by the harsh response on our forums, 2D Boy lost quite a lot of potential buyers with the announcement that RTL Entertainment would be publishing World of Goo as a retail title in Europe as opposed to the downloadable WiiWare product the US received a while ago.
2D Boy have taken note of the backlash and done an incredible thing - the retail release has been cancelled and replaced with a WiiWare release. The release date has also been bumped up to this to a possible Christmas release in late December rather than Q1 2009. The developers of the immensely popular physics-based project have compiled a little FAQ to accompany the announcement, revealing that the move also means that we won't be seeing the planned extra chapter intended for the retail release.
Q: How much will World of Goo cost on WiiWare in europe?
A: Most likely the same as in the Americas: 1500 points.
Q: Will the PC version be available in Europe too?
A: Yes, at the same time as the retail release, hopefully late December. It will cost 19.99 Euros and will be available in retail stores (to be announced), through Steam and other digital downloads services, and on (an incorrect price is currently listed).
Q: Will there be an extra chapter for Europe?
A: No. Everyone will get the same version of the game.
Q: Why is it not available in Europe now?
A: We need to put the final touches on translations, get European age ratings, and go through Nintendo's approval process. The retail PC version also needs to get manufactured and shipped to retail stores.
Q: I am European and I am still angry with you.
A: Thank you, user000299174, for contacting the World of Goo Corporation's new cost effective customer service center. Your feedback is very important to us. A highly efficient customer service specialist will contact you regarding your query very shortly. When prompted, please provide the following case identification code: WG-77415823/B.
As semi/almost/not quite official gaming ambassadors of the continent of Europe, we have to say we're anything but angry with the guys at 2D Boy. Roll on December!