News: Worldwide Sales Figures For All Consoles

Find out how just how well the Wii and DS are selling worldwide, compared to Sony and Microsoft's machines...

The Big Three have revealed their sales figures for the year to date, and more intriguingly, their numbers over-all. The following charts make interesting reading. It should be noted however, that since the 30th of September (when the charts go up to) the Wii has this month over-taken the Xbox 360's lifetime sales, as we have previously reported.

Global Hardware Sales 2007, up until September 30th (and lifetime totals)

  • Nintendo DS - 18,030,000 (53,640,000)
  • Wii - 9,980,000 | 13,170,000
  • PlayStation 2 - 8,400,000 | 123,870,000
  • PlayStation Portable - 6,350,000 | 30,110,000
  • PlayStation 3 - 3,930,000 | 5,590,000
  • Xbox 360 - 3,000,000 | 13,400,000
  • Game Boy Advance - 1,620,000 | 80,480,000

Global Software Sales 2007, up until September 30th (and lifetime totals)

  • Nintendo DS - 105,250,000 | 259,480,000
  • PlayStation 2 - 104,200,000 | 1,309,100,000
  • Wii - 48,300,000 | 65,810,000
  • PlayStation Portable - 33,600,000 | 123,900,000
  • PlayStation 3 - 23,100,000 | 28,400,000
  • Game Boy Advance - 10,130,000 | 372,630,000

Nintendo's has earned a net sales total of $6bn in the six months ending 30th September, compared to Sony's game division earning $3.86bn (Sony as a whole earned $35,609,000,000). In terms of actual profit however, Nintendo nearly matched the entire of Sony with $1.17bn, compared to the entire of Sony's $1.23bn. Why so low? Well, the figures show Sony's videogames section actually made a net loss of $1.1bn, which hurt Sony's over-all profit.

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