News: Worms 3 Announcement

Team 17 have announced they will make a big announcement about Worms 3 soon.

On Friday 25th April 2003 Team 17 will make some announcements about their upcoming game Worms 3.

"An announcement will be made on Friday 25th of April. This is a fairly significant one with respect to our publisher and will also contain the final name of the game currently known as "Worms 3" or "Worms 3D".

Further site updates are planned this Friday (interviews and diary).

Details will also appear soon with regards to meeting Team17 and seeing the title at E3 in Los Angeles, May 14-16 2003. (Press/Industry only!)"
Worms 3 is the latest game in the long-running strategy series. This game however is set to be 3D and Team 17 seem to be going to great lengths to ensure it is a high quaity game.

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