Worms: Open Warfare 2

News: Worms DS 2 - New Screenshots and Trailer

Returning favourite weapons, level editor and online from this Worms title, check out the new screenshots inside...

The first Worms: Open Warfare seemed to miss out on a load of things - Online, favourite weapons, and seemed to get the "feeling" of Worms wrong. The sequel seems to be fixing all the problems with the original.

You can see the improvements for yourself from the trailer below. Returning weapons include the good 'ol Concrete Donkey weapon, which falls from the sky and makes a big hole in everything below it; the graceful Super Sheep, a user-controlled flying projectile with a large explosion, and the spiritual Hand Grenade, which makes a big hole.

The game boasts new weapons, landscapes and new modes (Race, Puzzle and Forts), minigames and online gameplay. Which should please any Worms fan. On top of this are loads of customisation options. You can make your own Worm and Team names, worm hats, victory dances, team flags and even levels (done by simply drawing with the stylus). It also has local multiplayer options as well as the online functions. You can play with individual DS', or use one DS and pass it round.

Worms: Open Warfare 2 is due out in July for the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP. Check out the videos and screenshots below.

Worms Open Warfare 2 Trailer (WMV - 28.2MB)

Click for Screens (20 New)

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