News: XIII Soundtrack On The Way

Music inspired by the game in production.

Ubi-Soft are working with Future Primitive Sound to work on a collection of original music inspired by the upcoming game XIII.

John Coghlan, the man in charge of XIII had the following to say the idea was to "create something which ties together everything that makes XIII unique." and claims that the soundtrack "captures the mood and style of the game to perfection."

"Our intention was to tell its story through the music and create a seamless headnodding mix that would complement the energy of XIII and get gamers hyped," said Mark Herlihy, founding member of the Future Primitive Sound. "The game is solid, and we feel privileged to be able to add our artistic touch to the project."

Ubi-Soft have stated that the soundrack will be available from September through the XIII pre-order plans, whether it will be available outside of the pre-order offers is as yet unkown.

The XIII Official Site currently have a number of samples from the album for those of you who can't wait until its official release.

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