News: XSEED Tags Out Of Muramasa...

Posted 21 Apr 2009 at 21:36 by guest
Ignition tags in as the US publisher for Muramasa: The Demon Blade. Head on to read more details, including a US release date!
Muramasa: The Demon Blade, the gorgeous action game from Vanillaware has the attention of many gamers and now that the game was released in Japan, everyone wants to know when we'll see a Western release.
Two days ago, publisher XSEED announced they were no longer publishing the game in US soil, now Ignition Entertainment Ltd, known for publishing games like Metal Slug, King of Fighters and Blue Dragon Plus in Europe, announced they picked up the game and intend to release it in the States this September.

Whipe that drool of your mouth!
While some might think of Ignition's less than stellar work on Lux Pain's translation, it's just one game among many, so no need to panic. What this means for Europe is unknown, but since Ignition's HQ is in England, it wouldn't be far fetched to assume the possibility that they're publishing Muramasa in Europe too.
Stay with N-Europe, as we'll have a full hands-on with the Japanese version of the game soon!