News: Yarnton: Nintendo Not Ignoring Hardcore Fans

Nintendo UK boss defends Nintendo's wider target market this generation.

While Nintendo have been applauded by many as expanding the game market this generation with titles such as Brain Training, Nintendogs, and the upcoming Wii Fit, some have claimed this is being done at the expense of the hardcore Nintendo fans - the ones who stuck with the company through its less successful years.

David Yarnton, general manager of Nintendo UK, has disagreed with that view, highlighting recent releases such as Metroid Prime 3, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and the upcoming Super Mario Galaxy as titles he knows the hardcore Nintendo fans will love.

Yarnton said: "It's important to know that we're not ignoring the hardcore gamer. They're still very important to us." What are your views on Nintendo's current focus? Leave us a comment below.

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