News: Zapper Details and Date

Infogrames spills the beans on Zapper...

Infogrames sent us an update on Zapper. The company expects to release the game for the GameCube on the the 17th of March this year. They also released some detailed info on the game which you can read all about in the press release below. To see some screens of the game we suggest you head on over to the Zapper games page in the Cube-Europe games list!

London, February 17, 2003 � There have been a lot of leading characters in games over the years. Players have taken control of plumbers, dragons, hedgehogs, and even bandicoots! Now, there's a new electrifying personality in town, as Infogrames has revealed a new character for 2003. Meet the fastest, coolest, most electrifying insect in the known universe! His name's Zapper, he's a cricket and has his very own game. Zapper will be lighting up the PC, Sony's PlayStation2�, Nintendo's GameCube� and GameBoy� Advance and the Xbox� video game system from Microsoft from 14th March 2003.

Zapper's not your normal garden-variety cricket; he's a bug with a whole lotta attitude and some very special abilities up his six sleeves. He's going to need all that and more if he's to rescue his brother, Zipper, from Maggie, the evil magpie queen. Not content with stealing all the shiny objects in Zapper's world, she's decided that the finishing touch would be a young and particularly sparkly cricket that just happens to be Zipper. Now, Zapper's got to save him and make sure that neither Maggie nor her chicks will ever mess with his world again.

Zapper's task will take him through some of the strangest places and situations ever seen by man (or bug). With 18 levels to conquer, including wandering a Wild West ghost town and dodging nut-throwing squirrels in the woods, this will be no mean feat. Luckily, Zapper's got a trick, his very special zapping antennae! When the going gets tough, a few volts of electricity, plus a quick mind and even quicker feet help immensely. And with power ups scattered throughout the levels, Zapper is more than a match for that wacky bird, Maggie.

Pascale Vermeerbergen, European Marketing Director for Infogrames said, "Zapper is a cheeky and charming game, and the lead character's personality enriches the fun experience. It's been designed with classic game play principles in mind and we're looking forward to seeing how people of all ages will enjoy playing the game."

A classic combination of action and puzzle solving, Zapper has something for all gamers, both old and new. Plus, as well as the single player fun, there is support for up to four players to compete head-to-head in mini-games. It all adds up to a wild adventure for the most unlikely hero in gaming history! Zapper's unique and irreverent personality guarantees excitement. See for yourself on 14th March 2003.

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