News: Zelda Demos!

Nintendo have shipped a demo disc to stores across the country!

The demo discs which will only be playable in stores will feature playable demos of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Metroid Prime as well as video demos of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, 1080 Avalanche, Wario World, and Black and Bruised.

There are no current details on where and when these demo discs will be launched. It will be soon and probably be in places such as GAME, HMV and anywhere else with Gamecube pods. If you find any stores please email Ash.

Current Known Locations:
Toys'R'Us -Liverpool.
Best Buy- Duluth Minnesota (All Bust Buys)
Virgin Megastore- Bluewater, Kent
Games Mania- Belgium

Thank you to all those who have contributed so far.

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