News: Zelda Four Swords - Single Player!

We bring you new details about the upcoming The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Plus for the GameCube. Head inside for the news�

Cube-Europe has learned that the final version of The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Plus for the GameCube will feature an extensive single-player mode. Originally, the game would just be a multi-player game, but recently Nintendo decided to include a single-player mode.

Details on the single-player mode are still scarce. However, we can inform you that the player will have control over four Links at the same time. They will all be controlled at the same time, and the player will be able to position and control the Links in several different line-ups. For example, you can have them walk in a triangle, square, or circle-shaped position. This allows you to adapt the line-up where needed strategically.

Also, when playing the game in the single-player mode you do not need to own a GBA. Areas that normally would be displayted on the GBA screen can also be shown on the main screen.

Finally, we have been told that The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Plus has been improved graphically. Expect it to look even better than the version showcased at the E3 and ECTS.

Expect more on this title at Cube-Europe as the release draws nearer!

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