News: Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Details

Posted 14 May 2007 at 08:39 by Dean Jones
New storyline and gameplay details. Click to find out who gets kidnapped...
In a surprise turnaround (well... not really), it seems that Tetra gets kidnapped at the start of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Japanese magazine Famitsu has revealed some new details.
The leader of the pirates (and Link's friend), Tetra, gets kidnapped by a mysterious ghost ship. Naturally, Link goes of on a quest to save her. The main key to her rescue is a dungeon called the "Underwater Shrine", a cursed place that steals away Links hearts while he is in there. Of course, there is an item which protects you from the curse - the Phantom Hourglass. Like hourglasses, it only lasts until time runs out and it will be up to Link to explore islands (which are marked out on your map), kill some beasties and bosses and collect "Sands of Time" to keep the Hourglass topped up.
The Underwater Shrine sounds like a large dungeon that you complete bit-by-bit, and it doesn't make clear if the islands you collect the "Sands of Time" from have full dungeons, mini-dungeons or just bosses. It sounds like an interesting concept, though.
This, along with the touch-screen controls, should make this Zelda quite unique, which can only be a good thing.