News: Zelda Wii Hitting Europe This Year?

More fuel to feed the flames of speculation...

While we've had vague hints from Satoru Iwata that The Legend of Zelda will hit Wii this year, there's still a wide expectation that we'll be waiting into 2011 - mainly due to a certain other two major Nintendo titles scheduled for 2010 launches.

Now though, Nintendo UK steps in to further cloud the issue, with a possible suggestion that the game will indeed see the light of day this year. The latest instalment the Nintendo Channel's cholesterol-increasingly cheesy Ninty News alludes to titles to get "fired up" about in 2010.

The relevant section is 1:00 in.

Of course, this could just mean that an official, full-blown announcement of Zelda is coming this year. President Iwata recently re-confirmed that the game will make an appearance at E3 this June.

We'll keep you updated on any new Zelda chatter as it rolls in.

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