Zero Fighter

News: Zero Fighter

A new air combat game has been announced for the GameCube! The game is under development by Global A Entertainment and will be titled: Zero Fighter.

After Top Gun we will now get a second air combat game for the GameCube, Zero Fighter. According to Global A Entertainment, the japanese developer, the game will be released Spring 2003 in Japan. It is not sure yet whether the game will see the light of Europe and or the US.

In the game you will be able to replay some famous battles in military history. You will have to fight and victory will not be easy to accomplish. Global A Entertainment also said that the game will reproduce the romance of air combat like it has never been done before. You will be able to play as both Japanese and US pilots and the game will feature 33 playable aircraft models and 3 play modes: Mission, Training and Versus.

Here are the first few grabs of the game...

This could be a nice game to import... if the freeloader will ever be released! sigh.

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