Newsbites: 19/10

News. Those four letters have never been so important! Cube Europe's Newsbites let you handle the latest news without any trouble in a relaxed and uncompromising way. Understand? No, me neither :(.

Future Publishing are set to unleash a Gamesmaster spin-off magazine in the run-up to Christmas. GamesMaster - What Games Console? is on sale from October 25 2002. Interestingly, it's the only games magazine to feature a multi-format showcasing DVD. Console virgins will have to stump up the rather unprincely sum of �3.99 if they want a copy.

Japanese gaming 'bible' Famitsu has just published its latest most wanted. You know the deal - gamers write or email in with their most anticipated game and Famitsu compile the chart. Unsurprisingly, Zelda GC heads the chart with Biohazard 0 second, Enix's Star Ocean 3 third and Tales of Destiny 2 for PS2 fourth. Unlimited Saga is fifth, with Pokemon Sapphire & Ruby, Sakura Taisen 5, Dragon Quest, Fushigi no Dungeon, Devil May Cry 2 and Resident Evil 4 completing the chart. That was on hell of a mouthful! Nice to see so many GC titles performing well. I always knew Nintendo had the most otaku.

As you've probably heard, Timesplitters 2 for the GameCube has been held back a week. The much-anticipated title was set to release on October 26th, but now is heading to shops on November Ist(coincidentally the same day as Eternal Darkness). No reason has been given for the delay, but it's probably due to last minute tweaking. It's becoming a common trend for publishers to release their GameCube offerings later than rival-format counterparts.

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