Next Nintendo handheld and console to share the same hardware architecture

In Nintendo's latest financial briefing, Iwata unveiled that the next handheld and console systems from Nintendo will share the same architecture meaning that assets, and entire games, can easily be ported from handheld to console or vice-versa.

That's not the only change though, as Iwata unveiled that both divisions inside Nintendo will come together as one. At the moment Nintendo is split into two parts, with each division working independently on handhelds and home consoles. Now though, it seems he wants to unite these to form the Integrated Research & Development Division which will be headed by Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director.

In sharing the same architecture, a common basis for software development will be born, and assets, operating systems and their build-in applications will be made more portable. This will help ease the pressure on Nintendo as it will ensure a more steady flow of titles, and will hopefully mean 'software droughts' which have been seen on 3DS and what the Wii U is currently suffering from, will be far less prominent.

Capcom have already displayed how games can benefit from this kind of development as the upcoming port of Resident Evil Revelations proves. A fantastic game on a handheld that, with little effort, can now also be enjoyed by console gamers.

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