NG:Dev.Team brings Gunlord X to the Switch

Back in 2012 developer NG:DEV.TEAM brought Gunlord to the NeoGeo and Sega Dreamcast platforms, they have created other titles but Gunlord always seemed to me to be their flagship title.

As part of a crowdfunding campaign at the time, the developer was planning to bring the game to the Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and the PC. But alas, this turned out not to be the case.

Fast-forward to 2018 however and it looks like the developer is bringing the game to the Switch under the new title of Gunlord X thanks to a Tweet they put out from Gamescom.

Check out the Tweet and title screen below as that's all we have to go on for now...

blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en-gb">

dir="ltr">Want to see some more TURRICAN inspired action? Come to the FACTOR 5 booth in Halle 10.2 Retro Area to get an exclusive glimpse of Gunlord X for the Nintendo Switch provided by NGDEV#GunlordX #NintendoSwitch #Gamescom2018 #TURRICAN #FACTOR5

— NGDEVTEAM (@ngdevteam) 22 August 2018/blockquote> script async src="" charset="utf-8">/script>

GunlordXtitleIt is a rather glorious title screen, to say the very least!

Are you potentially excited to be able to play Gunlord X? Did you perhaps play it on any previous platform? Would you like to see more titles from this developer on the Switch?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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