Nintendo broadcasts Wii Fit U Direct presentation

International Man of Mystery himself, Mr Satoru Iwata has surprised us all today by releasing a brand new Nintendo Direct broadcast - this one dedicated (mostly) to this year's prospective casual-magnet Wii Fit U.

Watch it below for all the information on the game's new features, including the new Fit Meter device, which can detect in detail the activities you are doing in your day-to-day business.

There is also an incentive to download the game from the eShop, with a month's free trial for anyone who has owned Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus (essentially anyone who already owns a Balance Board). But of course, that's not the only way to get the game. The breakdown of this set-up is as follows:

  • One-month free trial of Wii Fit U for those who own a Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus Balance Board - download from the eShop between November 1st 2013 and January 31st 2014.
  • Then unlock the game permanently on the eShop thereafter by purchasing a Fit Meter.
  • Purchase Wii Fit U from the eShop from February 1st onwards (Fit Meter is not required to play).
  • Physical version of the game will be available to buy in stores from December 6th, with both Wii Fit U + Fit Meter, and Wii Fit U + Fit Meter + Balance Board bundles available.

Eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed the brand new(ish) title premiered at the end of the Direct. We've got the full story of Wii Sports Club here.

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